90 % understand property spaces better with Minimapper.

Source: Etuovi.com - Leading Finnish property portal

Why Minimapper?

80 % of home seekers struggle to understand property spaces based on photos.See below how Minimapper helps you.

Minimapper Demo

How Minimapper works?

Import your images into Minimapper, swipe to add the viewing markers and save the finished images to your device.

Let us work for you!

Let us edit your photos with Minimapper, so you can focus on the essentials.
We can also redraw your old floor plan. Pay conveniently by invoice.

App Pricing

Paid features are accessed with Credits. One Credit allows you to save one paid image.

Credits can be purchased directly from the app.
Prices include VAT.

For businesses

Get a suitable agreement for Minimapper for your company
Payment by invoice. Prices do not include VAT.
Fill in the form and book a demo or get a quote!

Get in touch!

Fill in the form and book a demo or get a quote!

Try for free!

Use Minimapper in your browser or download it to your mobile device.

Get a suitable agreement for Minimapper for your company
or let us do the work for you.
Payment by invoice. Prices do not include VAT.
Fill in the form and book a demo or get a quote!

Forståelige ejendomsfotos med minimaps.

Hvorfor Minimapper?

80 % af de boligsøgende har svært ved at forstå ejendomsrum baseret på billeder.Se nedenfor, hvordan Minimapper hjælper 90 % af folk med denne udfordring.

Kilde: Etuovi.com - Førende finsk ejendomsportal

Minimapper Demo

Hvordan fungerer Minimapper?

Importer dine billeder i Minimapper, stryg for at tilføje visningsmarkører og gem de færdige billeder på din enhed.


Der er adgang til betalte funktioner med Kreditter. Med én Kredit kan du gemme ét betalt billede.

Kreditter kan købes direkte fra appen.
Priserne er inklusive moms.

For virksomheder

Få en passende aftale om ubegrænset brug af Minimapper for din virksomhed.
Betaling via faktura.
Fyll i formuläret och boka en demo eller få en offert!

Prøv gratis!

Brug Minimapper i din browser, eller download den til din mobilenhed.

Få en passende aftale om ubegrænset brug af Minimapper for din virksomhed.
Betaling via faktura.
Fyll i formuläret och boka en demo eller få en offert!

Verständliche Immobilienfotos mit Minikarten.

Warum Minimapper?

80 % der Wohnungssuchenden haben Schwierigkeiten, sich anhand von Fotos ein Bild von den Räumlichkeiten einer Immobilie zu machen.Sehen Sie unten, wie Minimapper 90 % der Menschen bei dieser Herausforderung hilft.

Quelle: Etuovi.com - Führendes finnisches Immobilienportal

Minimapper Demo

Wie funktioniert Minimapper?

Importieren Sie Ihre Bilder in Minimapper, fügen Sie durch Streichen die Markierungen hinzu und speichern Sie die fertigen Bilder auf Ihrem Gerät.


Auf kostenpflichtige Funktionen wird mit Credits zugegriffen. Mit einem Credit können Sie ein bezahltes Bild speichern.

Credits können direkt über die App erworben werden.
Die Preise enthalten die Mehrwertsteuer.

Für Unternehmen

Holen Sie sich einen passenden Vertrag zur unbegrenzten Nutzung von Minimapper für Ihr Unternehmen. Zahlung per Rechnung.Füllen Sie das Formular aus und buchen Sie eine Demo oder erhalten Sie ein Angebot!

Kostenlos ausprobieren!

Verwenden Sie Minimapper in Ihrem Browser oder laden Sie die App auf Ihr Mobilgerät herunter.

Holen Sie sich einen passenden Vertrag zur unbegrenzten Nutzung von Minimapper für Ihr Unternehmen. Zahlung per Rechnung.Füllen Sie das Formular aus und buchen Sie eine Demo oder erhalten Sie ein Angebot!

Fotos de propiedades comprensibles con minimapas.

¿Por qué Minimapper?

El 80 % de las personas que buscan una vivienda tienen dificultades para entender los espacios inmobiliarios a partir de fotos.Vea a continuación cómo Minimapper ayuda al 90 % de las personas en este desafío.

Fuente: Etuovi.com - Portal inmobiliario líder en Finlandia

Minimapper Demo

¿Cómo funciona Minimapper?

Importe sus imágenes en Minimapper, pase el dedo para añadir los marcadores de visualización y guarde las imágenes terminadas en su dispositivo.


A las funciones de pago se accede con Créditos. Un Crédito le permite guardar una imagen de pago.

Los Créditos pueden adquirirse directamente desde la aplicación.
Los precios incluyen el IVA.

Para las empresas

Obtenga un acuerdo adecuado para el uso ilimitado de Minimapper para su empresa.
Pago por factura.
Rellene el formulario y reserve una demostración u obtenga un presupuesto.

¡Pruébelo gratis!

Utilice Minimapper en su navegador o descargue la aplicación en su dispositivo móvil.

Obtenga un acuerdo adecuado para el uso ilimitado de Minimapper para su empresa.
Pago por factura.
Rellene el formulario y reserve una demostración u obtenga un presupuesto.

Comprensibili foto di proprietà con minimappe.

Perché Minimapper?

L'80% di chi cerca casa fatica a capire gli spazi degli immobili basandosi sulle foto.Scoprite di seguito come Minimapper aiuta il 90% delle persone in questa sfida.

Fonte: Etuovi.com - Principale portale immobiliare finlandese

Minimapper Demo

Come funziona Minimapper?

Importa le tue immagini in Minimapper, passa il dito per aggiungere i marcatori di visualizzazione e salva le immagini finite sul tuo dispositivo.


Le funzioni a pagamento sono accessibili con i crediti. Un credito consente di salvare un'immagine modificata.

I Crediti possono essere acquistati direttamente dall'app.
I prezzi sono comprensivi di IVA.

Per le aziende

Ottenete un contratto adeguato per l'uso illimitato di Minimapper per la vostra azienda.
Pagamento tramite fattura.
Compila il modulo e prenota una demo o ottieni un preventivo!

Prova gratis!

Utilizzate Minimapper nel browser o scaricate l'applicazione sul vostro dispositivo mobile.

Ottenete un contratto adeguato per l'uso illimitato di Minimapper per la vostra azienda.
Pagamento tramite fattura.
Compila il modulo e prenota una demo o ottieni un preventivo!

Begrijpelijke eigendomsfoto's met minimaps.

Waarom Minimapper?

80 % van de woningzoekenden heeft moeite met het begrijpen van ruimtes op basis van foto's.Zie hieronder hoe Minimapper 90 % van de mensen helpt bij deze uitdaging.

Bron: Etuovi.com - Toonaangevend Fins vastgoedportaal

Minimapper Demo

Hoe werkt Minimapper?

Importeer uw afbeeldingen in Minimapper, veeg om de weergavemarkeringen toe te voegen en sla de voltooide afbeeldingen op uw apparaat op.


Betaalde functies zijn toegankelijk met Credits. Met één Credit kunt u één betaalde afbeelding opslaan.

Credits kunnen rechtstreeks vanuit de app worden gekocht.
De prijzen zijn inclusief BTW.

Voor bedrijven

Ontvang een passende overeenkomst voor onbeperkt gebruik van Minimapper voor uw bedrijf.
Betaling per factuur.
Vul het formulier in en boek een demo of vraag een offerte aan!

Probeer gratis!

Gebruik Minimapper in uw browser of download de app op uw mobiele apparaat.

Ontvang een passende overeenkomst voor onbeperkt gebruik van Minimapper voor uw bedrijf.
Betaling per factuur.
Vul het formulier in en boek een demo of vraag een offerte aan!




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Minimapper Demo











Forståelige eiendomsbilder med minikart.

Hvorfor Minimapper?

80 % av boligsøkere sliter med å forstå boligens utforming basert på bilder.Se nedenfor hvordan Minimapper hjelper 90 % av folk med denne utfordringen.

Kilde: Etuovi.com - Ledende finsk eiendomsportal

Minimapper Demo

Hvordan fungerer Minimapper?

Importer bildene dine til Minimapper, sveip for å legge til visningsmarkører og lagre de ferdige bildene på enheten din.

Vi gjør jobben for deg

La oss redigere bildene dine med Minimapper, slik at du kan fokusere på det viktigste.
Vi kan også tegne om planløsningen og møblere bildet ditt virtuelt.
Betal enkelt med faktura.


Du får tilgang til betalte funksjoner med Kreditter. Med en Kreditt kan du lagre et betalt bilde.

Kreditt kan kjøpes direkte i appen.
Prisene inkluderer mva.

For bedrifter

Få en passende avtale for ubegrenset bruk av Minimapper for din bedrift.
Betaling med faktura.
Fyll ut skjemaet og bestill en demo eller få et tilbud!

Prøv gratis!

Bruk Minimapper i nettleseren din eller last ned appen til mobilenheten din.

Få en passende avtale for ubegrenset bruk av Minimapper for din bedrift.
Betaling med faktura.
Fyll ut skjemaet og bestill en demo eller få et tilbud!

Förståeliga fastighetsbilder med minikartor.

Varför Minimapper?

80 % av de bostadssökande har svårt att förstå fastighetsutrymmen utifrån foton.Se nedan hur Minimapper hjälper 90 % av personerna i denna utmaning.

Källa: Etuovi.com - Ledande finsk fastighetsportal

Minimapper Demo

Hur fungerar Minimapper?

Importera dina bilder till Minimapper, svep för att lägga till visningsmarkörer och spara de färdiga bilderna på din enhet.


Betalda funktioner nås med Krediter. Med en Kredit kan du spara en betald bild.

Krediter kan köpas direkt i appen.
Priserna inkluderar moms.

För företag

Få ett lämpligt avtal för obegränsad användning av Minimapper för ditt företag.
Betalning via faktura.
Fyll i formuläret och boka en demo eller få en offert!

Prova gratis!

Använd Minimapper i din webbläsare eller ladda ner appen till din mobila enhet.

Få ett lämpligt avtal för obegränsad användning av Minimapper för ditt företag.
Betalning via faktura.
Fyll i formuläret och boka en demo eller få en offert!

90% tutkitusti ymmärtää kohteen tilat paremmin Minimapperin avulla.

Lähde: Etuovi.com käyttäjäkysely

Miksi Minimapper?

80 %:lla asunnonetsijöistä on vaikeuksia ymmärtää asuintilat kuvien perusteella. *Katso alta, miten Minimapper auttaa sinua.

* Lähde: Etuovi.com käyttäjäkysely

Minimapper Demo

Miten Minimapper toimii?

Tuot kuvat Minimapperiin, merkkaat katsomissuunnat pyyhkäisemällä ja tallennat valmiit kuvat laitteellesi.

Teemme työn puolestasi

Anna meidän hoitaa kuviesi käsittely Minimapperilla, jotta voit itse keskittyä olennaiseen. Piirräämme tarvittaessa pohjakuvasi uudelleen. Maksu kätevästi laskulla.

Sovelluksen hinnoittelu

Maksullisia ominaisuuksia käytetään Krediittien avulla, jotka mahdollistavat muokattujen kuvien tallentamisen.

Krediitit voi ostaa suoraan sovelluksesta.
Hinnat sisältävät arvonlisäveron.


Hanki yrityksellesi sopimus Minimapperin rajattomaan käyttöön.
Maksa kätevästi laskulla. Hinnat eivät sisällä arvonlisäveroa.
Täytä lomake ja varaa esittely tai pyydä tarjous!

Ota yhteyttä!

Täytä lomake ja varaa esittely tai pyydä tarjous!

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Käytä Minimapperia selaimessasi tai lataa se mobiililaitteellesi.

Hanki yrityksellesi sopimus Minimapperin rajattomaan käyttöön
tai anna meidän tehdä työ puolestasi.
Maksa kätevästi laskulla. Hinnat eivät sisällä arvonlisäveroa.
Täytä lomake ja varaa esittely tai pyydä tarjous!


Our mission is to make property photos easy to understand and to help home seekers find their dream property easily.


We are here to help you, so you can help your customers find the right property more easily.

Atte Laitinen

Founder & CEO

Atte is the inventor of the Minimapper app. He is a great visionary and a master of perseverance. He finishes what he starts, no matter how long it takes and no matter what it takes.

Ferdi Güler

Co-Founder & CTO

A programmer by nature, he leads the technical side of Minimapper and ensures that users have a smooth experience.

Antti Mäkikyrö


Antti is an accomplished international business professional whose energy, drive and extensive network have enabled Minimapper to go far.

Jarkko Rastas


Jarkko is an experienced long-term entrepreneur and brings a wealth of experience, resources and solid business know-how to the team.

Try Minimapper for free!

Use Minimapper in your browser or download it to your mobile device.

We edit your photos for you

Minimapper image editing service for just € 39.80 / property (VAT 0 %).We add the floor plan and viewing angle to your photos for you.

Minimapper Demo

No refined floor plan? No problem!

We redraw your rough floor plan for just an extra 15.00 € (VAT 0 %) when ordered with Minimapper editing service.The price includes a floor plan for a single-storey apartment of up to five rooms.

Fast and simple service

1. Send us materials• Photos and floor plan

Extra service
Floor plan redraw
Tell us your wishes regarding the floor plan redrawing.

2. We edit your photos• Photo processing with Minimapper.app

Extra service
Floor plan redraw
We'll fix and clean up your old floor plan to a saleable condition.

3. Fast delivery• Ready the next working day• Option for a free edit round

Order now!

Fill in your details and attach your materials, and we'll get to work!

Order Minimapper image editing service

Please copy and fill in the form below and send it with attachments to us by email to editingservice[at]minimapper.app.

Order - Minimapper editing service for my propertyHi!
I would like to order a Minimapper editing service for my property [property name].
I have read the service agreement (https://minimapper.app/#editing-service-terms) and agree to its terms.
Order details
Floor plan redraw (15.00 € VAT 0 %): yes / no
New customer? - Business ID:
New customer? - I heard about the service from: [name of recommender] / Minimapper
Optional - Wishes:

Vi redigerer bildene dine for deg

Minimapper bilderedigeringstjeneste for bare 490 kr / eiendom (moms 0 %).Vi legger til planløsning og synsvinkel på bildene dine for deg.

Minimapper Demo

Ingen ferdig planløsning? Ikke noe problem!

Vi tegner om plantegningen din for bare 190 kr ekstra (MVA 0 %) når du bestiller med Minimapper redigeringstjeneste.Prisen inkluderer en plantegning for en enetasjes leilighet med opptil fem rom.

Rask og enkel service

1. Send oss materiale.• Bilder og plantegning

Omtegning av planløsning
Fortell oss hva du ønsker å få tegnet om plantegningen.

2. Vi redigerer bilder.• Bildebehandling med Minimapper.app

Omtegning av planløsning
Vi fikser og rydder opp i den gamle plantegningen slik at den blir salgbar.

3. Rask levering• Klar neste arbeidsdag• Mulighet for en gratis redigeringsrunde

Bestill nå!

Fyll ut opplysningene dine og legg ved materialet ditt, så setter vi i gang!

Bestill Minimapper-bilderedigeringstjenesten

Kopier og fyll ut skjemaet nedenfor og send det med vedlegg til oss på e-post til redigeringstjeneste[at]minimapper.app.

Bestilling - Minimapper-redigeringstjeneste for min eiendomHei! Jeg vil gjerne bestille en Minimapper-redigeringstjeneste for min eiendom.
Jeg ønsker å bestille en Minimapper-redigeringstjeneste for min eiendom [eiendomsnavn].
Jeg har lest tjenesteavtalen (https://minimapper.app/#vilkar-for-redigeringstjenester) og godtar vilkårene.
Detaljer om bestillingen
Redigering av plantegning (190 kr MVA 0 %): ja / nei
Ny kunde? - Forretnings-ID:
Ny kunde? - Jeg hørte om tjenesten fra: [navn på den som anbefalte tjenesten] / Minimapper
Valgfritt - ønsker:

Muokkaamme kuvat puolestasi

Kohteen kuvien Minimapper-käsittely vain 39,80 € / kohde (alv 0 %).Lisäämme pohjakuvan ja katselusuunnan kohteen esittelykuviin puolestasi.

Minimapper Demo

Ei siistiä pohjakuvaa? Ei ongelmaa!

Piirräämme pohjakuvasi uudelleen Minimapper käsittelyn yhteydessä hintaan 15,00 € (alv 0 %).Hintaan kuuluu yksikerroksisen korkeintaan viisihuoneisen asunnon pohjapiirros.

Helppo ja nopea palvelu

1. Lähetä materiaalit• Muokattavat kuvat ja pohjapiirros

Pohjan uudelleenpiirto
Kerro tilauksen yhteydessä pohjakuvan korjaukseen liittyvät toiveesi.

2. Käsittelemme kuvasi• Minimapper.app

Pohjan uudelleenpiirto
Korjaamme ja siistimme vanhan pohjasi myyntikelpoiseen kuntoon.

3. Nopea toimitus• Valmista seuraavan arkipäivän aikana• Mahdollisuus ilmaiseen muokkauskertaan

Tilaa nyt!

Täytä tiedot ja liitä materiaalit, niin me ryhdymme töihin!

Tilaa Minimapper-kuvanmuokkauspalvelu

Kopioi ja täytä alla oleva lomake ja lähetä se liitteineen meille sähköpostilla osoitteeseen muokkauspalvelu[at]minimapper.app.

Tilaus - Minimapper-käsittely kohteeseeniHei!
Haluan tilata Minimapper-käsittelyn kohteeseeni [kohteen nimi].
Olen lukenut palvelusopimuksen (https://minimapper.app/#palvelusopimus-muokkauspalvelu) ja sitoudun sen ehtoihin.
Tilauksen tiedot
Pohjakuvan uudelleenpiirto (15,00 € alv 0 %): kyllä / ei
Uusi asiakas? - Y-tunnus:
Uusi asiakas? - Kuulin palvelusta: [suosittelijan nimi] / Minimapperilta
Valinnainen - Toiveet:

Tehokas innovaatio asuntokuviin


Toimitusjohtaja Atte Laitinen (vas.) ja Antti Mäkikyrö (oik.)

Toimitusjohtaja Atte Laitinen (vas.) ja Antti Mäkikyrö (oik.)

”Minimapper on ehdottomasti tehokkain tapa tehdä asuntojen tiloista ymmärrettäviä myynti- tai vuokrailmoituskuviin.” sanoo yksi Minimapperin perustajista Antti Mäkikyrö.

Olen ollut vuokranantajana lähes 30 vuotta ja takana on myös tuhansia lyhytaikaisvuokrauksia eri maissa. Vuokralaiset kyselivät asuintiloista ja toimivuudesta lähes aina, vaikka kuvat olivatkin hyviä. Minimapperin avulla sain lisättyäni pohjakuvat katsomissuunnalla suoraan asuntokuviin, ja asiakkaiden epäröinti tiloista loppui saman tien. Asiakastyytyväisyys on myös ollut paljon parempaa, kun vuokralaiset ovat ymmärtäneet asuintilat ja millaiseen kohteeseen ovat tulossa.

Kuulin ensimmäisen kerran Minimapperista reilu vuosi sitten hyvän yhteistyökumppanin vinkkaamana ja halusin ehdottomasti lähteä yritykseen mukaan. Meillä on erittäin taitavat ihmiset tuotekehitystiimissä ja paljon nuorta energiaa viedä ratkaisu kansainvälisesti eteenpäin.
Toivon kotimaan markkinoillakin vuokranantajien ja kiinteistövälittäjien ottavan Minimapperin tuoman lisäarvon käyttöön kohteisiinsa.

Asuintilojen hahmottaminen kuvien perusteella on todella iso haaste asuntomarkkinoilla. Itse olen nähnyt konkreettisesti, että Minimapperin avulla vuokralaisten kyselyt asuintiloista loppuivat kokonaan. Itseasiassa 80 % asunnonetsijöistä ei hahmota asuintiloja kuvien perusteella, kuten Etuoven ja Vuokraoven kyselytulokset viime syksynä osoittivat.

Tällä hetkellä lomakohteet näyttävät vetävän erittäin hyvin, mutta asuntojen myynnissä on haasteita. Minimapper on kustannustehokas ratkaisu tuomaan ehkä juuri sen tarvittavan ekstran asuntojen ilmoituskuviin, jotta potentiaalinen ostaja nappaa siitä kiinni. Kilpailu on myös kovaa vuokramarkkinoilla ja lomakohteissa, joten suosittelen ehdottomasti erottumaan joukosta uusilla ratkaisuilla.

Minimapperia kannattaa aluksi kokeilla vaikka maksuttomastikin. Ostokrediittien avulla saa kuitenkin oman brändin ja tyylin mukaiset asetukset eli niitä kannattaa ehdottomasti hyödyntää. Asuntojen kuviin ei ole koskaan aiemmin tuotu vastaavia ominaisuuksia, joten tällä ratkaisulla saa positiivista huomiota markkinoilla.

Parhain terveisin,

Antti Mäkikyrö


Minimapper kiinnostaa kansainvälisesti


Toimitusjohtaja Atte Laitinen (vas.) ja Antti Mäkikyrö (oik.)

Toimitusjohtaja Atte Laitinen (vas.) ja Antti Mäkikyrö (oik.)

Minimapperilla teet fiksusti hahmotettavia neliöitä lisäämällä kartat ja pohjapiirrokset kiinteistökuviisi minikarttoina.

Minimapperin kehitystyö otti valtavan askeleen kesän aikana, ja sovelluksen 2.0-päivityksen myötä se on entistäkin parempi ja saatavilla myös nettisivuillamme. Suomen johtavan kiinteistöportaalin markkinakyselyn mukaan lähes 90 % asuntojen etsijöistä näkisi Minimapperin ratkaisun helpottavan tilojen hahmottamista.

"Olen toiminut yksityisenä vuokranantajana yli 20 vuotta ja matkaan mahtuu myös tuhansia lyhytaikaisia vuokraöitä. Tällä kokemuksella ymmärsin heti Minimapperin tuomat hyödyt asuntojen neliöiden fiksumpaan hahmottamiseen."

Asunnon etsijät eivät usein ymmärrä tilojen toimivuutta kivan näköisestä sohvakuvasta tai tiedä onko kuvassa näkyvä sauna yhteissauna vai ihan oma. Minimapperilla tuodaan pohjakuva suoraan asuntojen kuviin ja asunnon etsijät ymmärtävät saman tien asunnon tilaratkaisun.

Minimapper tuo lisäarvoa vuokra- ja kiinteistönvälittäjille ja yksityisille asuntoilmoittajille tekemällä kohteista ymmärrettäviä, nopeuttaen päätöksentekoa ja tuoden säästöjä. Minimapper toimii kaikilla alustoilla, joten käy kokeilemassa ja tee asuntokuvistasi ymmärrettäviä.

Antti Mäkikyrö


Privacy Policy

20 August 2022

This Privacy Policy describes how Firesoft Oy ("Firesoft") processes personal data. This Privacy Policy applies to our website, marketing and customer relationship management, and the end products and services provided by Firesoft ("Services").
We comply with all applicable data protection legislation, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) ("GDPR") and other applicable national legislation, in all processing of personal data.The Services and our website may also contain links to external websites and services operated by other organisations which are not controlled by us. This Privacy Policy is not applicable to their use, so please refer to their privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites or external services (even if you access them by using links on our website). Firesoft may also act as the technical administrator for a service provided to its customer, in which case that customer will act as the data controller of the service."Personal Data" means any information relating to a natural person ("Data subject") from which he or she can be directly or indirectly identified, as further defined in the Data Protection Regulation.

Firesoft Oy
Business ID (Y-tunnus): 3290636-8
Address: Otakaari 18 A 110, 02150 ESPOO, Finland
Email: info@minimapper.app
Website: https://minimapper.app/
Purposes and legal basis for the processing of personal data
The services provided by the Controller ("Services") are available to individuals and legal entities and require registration for both. The Services are available in accordance with the Terms of Service.
As the controller, we will only process personal data that is necessary for each purpose of use. We process personal data in accordance with the law mainly for the following purposes:• Customer service and communication.
• Provision, monitoring and development of services
• Marketing, including market research, other marketing promotion and analysis, and the production of statistics and measurement of marketing effectiveness
• Improving the user experience of our services and website and monitoring user traffic
• Complying with legal obligations (e.g. accounting and other specific legislation) and reporting obligations
• Preventing abuses
The legal basis for processing personal data is mainly the performance of a contract between the data subject and Firesoft and the legitimate interests of Firesoft. Our legitimate interests include, for example, the administration and development of the Services and customer service and communication, marketing and monitoring the effectiveness of marketing activities. When we process personal data on the basis of legitimate interests, we weigh the benefits of the processing against the potential harm to the data subject and have assessed that the rights and interests of data subjects do not override the legitimate interests.Where we process personal data to comply with legal requirements or to fulfil our reporting obligations, the legal basis for the processing is primarily a legal obligation.

Processed personal data and data sources:

User identification and contact detailsThe customer's email address, such as the one provided when entering into a contract and/or registering for the Service.
Information relating to marketing and events and the data subject's consents and prohibitionsInformation provided, for example, when registering for an event or collected from public sources.
Information about your use of the services and websiteIP address, electronic communication identification data, browser and operating system data and registration data.

We use Google Analytics to understand how our app and website are used. We may also collect information from public sources such as business information services and social media services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Joint controllership with a social media service provider
Where we operate a social media business page hosted by Firesoft, that social media service provider and Firesoft are joint data controllers for the purposes of data protection legislation, where applicable, in relation to the personal data of visitors to that social media service provider's page. The social media service provider and Firesoft are also joint data controllers, where applicable, in relation to the social media service provider's social plug-in services (including Facebook's Share function, which allows you to share content on the website via social media).
These social media service providers process personal data in accordance with their own privacy policies, which can be found on the relevant social media service provider's website. The social media service provider in question is mainly responsible for complying with the obligations of data protection legislation and for enforcing the rights of the data subject on its service. Firesoft, for its part, is responsible for complying with its obligations under data protection legislation and processes visitor data on company websites in accordance with this Privacy Policy, for example for the purpose of targeting advertising.For more information on the processing of personal data by social media service providers and the website operator, as well as on the division of responsibilities between the joint controllers, please visit the social media service providers' websites, such as the Facebook Controller-Addendum.You can manage the privacy settings of social media service providers on their websites, and you can also contact them if you wish to exercise your data subject rights. You can find contact details in the privacy policy of these service providers.

PayPal’s payment methods
In order to offer you PayPal’s payment methods your personal data is processed in line with PayPal’s own privacy notice.

Image Editing Service
This section only applies to the Image Editing Service by Firesoft Oy, not the Minimapper app.
We are committed to keeping your photos secure. We do not give, sell, or transfer access to your original or edited photos to any third parties without your consent. Your photos are stored in a secure manner, and access is strictly limited to authorized personnel who require it for the purpose of editing your photos.We retain your photos for as long as necessary to provide you with optimal user experience and to ensure the quality of our services. Additionally, we may retain your photos for internal training purposes, as it allows us to continuously improve our editing processes and provide you with the best possible results.Please note that while we take all reasonable measures to protect your photos, no method of transmission or storage is completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security. However, we continuously update our security measures to ensure the highest level of protection for your photos.

Retention of personal data
We will retain personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, but always for as long as required by law (for example, in relation to accounting or reporting responsibilities and obligations), or for the purposes of litigation or similar dispute resolution. After the end of the purpose, the personal data will be deleted within a reasonable period of time or rendered anonymous.
The necessity of storing personal data, as well as their accuracy, will be regularly verified. Upon request, we will provide further information on our personal data retention practices.Data relating to an account created by a user of the Service will be retained by the Service until the data subject personally requests the deletion of the data.

Recipients of personal data
Personal data may be transferred to service providers and partners used by Firesoft, such as providers of technical solutions or server hosting, accounting, and financial service providers. We have contractual arrangements in place to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and otherwise appropriately. We will provide additional information on recipients upon request.
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties in situations required by law or governmental authority or to investigate misuse of our Services and to ensure security. In addition, personal data may need to be disclosed in connection with legal proceedings or similar legal proceedings.If Firesoft is involved in a merger, acquisition or other business arrangement, personal data may be disclosed to other parties to the arrangement or to those assisting in the arrangement.

Transfer of personal data outside the EU/EEA
Where personal data is transferred outside the EU/EEA, we will ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data, including by agreeing on the processing of personal data as required by data protection legislation, such as by using standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission.
For the transfer of personal data related to the use of social media, we follow the instructions of the relevant social media service providers in accordance with their privacy policies.

Protection of personal data
We use appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to protect personal data. We also ensure that our systems are fault-tolerant, and that data can be recovered.
Access to personal data is limited to specifically authorised parties. We ensure that our service providers meet the required security standards.All parties processing personal data are bound by a duty of confidentiality in relation to the processing of personal data. Access to personal data is limited to those employees who need it to perform their duties.

Rights of data subjects
Data subjects have rights under the GDPR:
The right of access to data. The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning him or her are being processed, as well as other information on the processing of personal data. The data subject has the right of access to personal data and to obtain a copy of the personal data.
Right to rectification and erasure of personal data. The data subject has the right to request the correction or deletion of inaccurate or incorrect data. The data subject also has the right to request the erasure of his or her personal data. For example, where personal data are necessary for the performance of a contractual obligation, to comply with a legal obligation or to settle a legal dispute, a request for erasure cannot always be implemented.Right to restriction of processing. The data subject has the right to request restriction of the processing of personal data. In addition, where the personal data suspected of being inaccurate cannot be corrected or deleted, or where there is uncertainty about a request for deletion, the Company will restrict access to the personal data.Right to data portability. The data subject has the right to request the transfer of personal data that he or she has provided, and which are processed automatically to another controller, where the processing is based on the data subject's consent or on a contract.Right to object to processing. The data subject has the right to object to certain types of processing of personal data, such as profiling based on legitimate interests. Data subjects also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes.
Right to withdraw consent. Where the processing of personal data is based on the data subject's consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing carried out previously. In addition, you can withdraw your consent to direct marketing by following the instructions included in the marketing communication (e.g. unsubscribe function included in an email or SMS).

Exercising rights
The data subject may send a request by letter or e-mail using the contact details provided in section 2. We may request additional information as necessary to fulfil the above requests.
We will process your request once we have received all the necessary information relating to your request (including verification of your identity). We will respond to your request within a reasonable time, usually no later than one month from the date of the request and verification of your identity. If the request cannot be granted, the refusal will be notified separately. We may refuse to process requests that are disproportionately repetitive, unreasonable, or manifestly unfounded

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority if the data subject considers that his or her personal data have been processed in breach of the applicable legal provisions.

Changes to the privacy statement
This Privacy Policy may need to be amended from time to time. Changes may also be based on changes in data protection legislation. We therefore encourage you to regularly check this privacy statement to identify any changes.

Questions about the Privacy Policy?
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at info@minimapper.app.

Terms of Service

26 June 2022

These terms of service ("Terms") and the specific terms of service for the Services ("Service Specific Terms") apply to the mobile application (Minimapper) and website (minimapper.app) provided by Firesoft Oy ("Firesoft") and other services provided by Firesoft (collectively, the "Services").By registering as a user of the Service or otherwise using the Service, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms of Service and, therefore, you may download, install, or use the Services. These Terms affect your legal rights and obligations, so if you do not accept the Terms, you may not use the Services. Firesoft's Services are not intended for users who are not legally competent or have not attained the age of legal capacity, and therefore use of the Service in violation of this paragraph is a violation of these Terms.By accepting the Terms, you agree to read Firesoft's Privacy Policy, which describes, among other things, the types of information Firesoft collects, how the information is used, and how such information is shared with third parties. Firesoft's Privacy Policy is available at https://minimapper.app/#privacy. Although the Firesoft Privacy Policy is not part of these Terms and does not create any contractual obligations for you, it does contain information that you should review before using the Services. The Firesoft Privacy Policy applies to the information collected whether or not you read the Privacy Policy.When you use the Services over a mobile network, you may be charged network or roaming service providers' messaging, mobile data, and other applicable fees for the Services. Your network service provider may prohibit or restrict the downloading, installation, or use of the Services, and some or all of the Services may not work with your network service provider or your device.

Use of services
The Services are available to individuals or legal entities using the Services. If you accept these Terms on behalf of a legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to accept these Terms on behalf of the legal entity, and references to "you" in these Terms shall mean the legal entity.You may not sell, transfer, lease or assign your right to use or access the Services to any third party. You may not use the Services if you have previously been denied access to any part of the Firesoft Services.You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself, and any other information required by the Service, as prompted by the Services registration process, or as otherwise prompted by the Service, and to notify Firesoft of any changes to your information.By accepting these Terms, Firesoft grants you a limited, exclusive, non-sublicensable, freely revocable, and non-transferable right to download, register and/or use the Services, and the then-currently available versions of the Firesoft mobile application (excluding the source code).You are personally responsible for your use of your account and for all content and activity on your account in connection with your use of the Services. Firesoft is not responsible for such content on your account. You also agree that Firesoft is under no obligation to access, store or maintain any of the above information related to your User Account, although Firesoft may do so in its sole discretion.You understand that the Services may need to be automatically updated, reloaded, and new versions or otherwise enhanced, for example, to maintain system security and stability, and thus the requirements for use of the Application may change over time. These Terms do not entitle you to future updates, new versions, or other enhancements to the Application, but Firesoft may make them available to you at its discretion.Firesoft may limit, suspend, terminate, modify, or remove your access to the Services or any portion thereof without notice to you if you fail to comply with the Terms or Firesoft suspects non-compliance with the Terms or other illegal or improper use of the Services. Firesoft may also have other remedies available to it in such cases, which it may exercise in its sole discretion. You may lose material, content and rights related to your use of the Services (including any in-service and/or in-app purchases) as a result of the termination or limitation of your access to the Services. Firesoft shall not be liable in any way to compensate you for such losses or consequences.

By using the Services, you specifically agree that you will not:
• Adversely affect or interfere with the Services or the servers or networks that provide our Services;
• forward spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited emails/communications;
• impersonate or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, commit fraud, or hide or attempt to hide your identity;
• attempt to disrupt, reverse engineer, decrypt or hack the Services, or circumvent any encryption techniques or security measures for data transmitted, processed or stored by Firesoft;
• refuse to comply with any network requirements or regulations relating to the Services;
• bypass technical measures designed to control access to the Services or any portion thereof; or
• do anything else contrary to the Terms or the law.
You may use the Services only in accordance with these Terms, the specific terms of the Service, and applicable local, national, and international laws, rules and regulations.
Some devices allow you to control what device system permissions you grant to the Services. The Firesoft mobile application (Minimapper) is intended to be used with all of the permissions specified in the installation and denial of these rights may cause the Services to not function as intended.

Intellectual property rights
All rights to and ownership of the Services (including related software and media), the design of the Services and related content (including text, code, graphics, audio, video, interactive features and the like), and trademarks, service marks and logos (including business identifiers appearing on the Services), trademarks, logos, product and service marks, and slogans) ("Firesoft Property") are intellectual property owned by or licensed to Firesoft and protected under trademark law, other intellectual property rights, unfair competition law, and international treaties. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Terms, Firesoft does not grant you any right to use any Firesoft Property except the right to use the Services in accordance with these Terms and any specific terms and conditions of the Service and any other contractual terms. You may not make or cause to be made copies of any material contained in the Services or make any material or any part thereof available to the public by distribution, transmission, display or performance, except with the prior written consent of Firesoft and any other rights holder or as otherwise required by mandatory provisions of applicable law. You may not create a new work or a new service from the Services and the Materials or any part thereof.Any feedback you provide in connection with the Services and any public comments you post will be considered non-confidential and Firesoft and other users of the Service may use such feedback and comments without restriction. However, for the avoidance of doubt, private messages, including emails, will not be disclosed without your consent.

User-generated content
Users may create content on the Services ("User Generated Content"). Firesoft has no obligation to monitor any User Generated Content. However, Firesoft has the right (but not the obligation) to require the removal of any User Generated Content that does not comply with these Terms.You are responsible for all User Generated Content that you have uploaded, stored, or otherwise posted. You own the User Generated Content, however, Firesoft may publish and use this material free of charge and/or incorporate it, or part of it, into Firesoft products. You acknowledge that your use of the Services (including User Contributed Content) may be subject to certain laws, regulations, terms, conditions, or restrictions. You must comply with such laws, regulations, terms, or restrictions and must reasonably ensure that any User Contributed Content does not contain material that is unlawful, obscene, abusive, threatening, harassing, impersonating another person, inciting religious, racial or ethnic hatred, or infringing the intellectual property and/or other rights of others. You agree that the material is not confidential. You represent and warrant to Firesoft and to third parties that any User Contributed Content published does not infringe any third party's copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights and does not contain any content that is unlawful, infringing (including, without limitation, invasive of privacy), indecent, objectionable, or otherwise unacceptable for publication. You agree that you will not take any action against Firesoft in connection with User Contributed Content and will be liable to Firesoft if any third party takes action against Firesoft in connection with User Contributed Content.Firesoft does not claim ownership of any User Contributed Content (images saved using the Service), but you grant Firesoft a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable and transferable right to use, transmit, adapt (for technical purposes such as resizing and scaling) and otherwise exploit any User Contributed Content on the Services, including the right to transmit and communicate User Contributed Content to third parties (at your request) and to display advertising in connection therewith.Firesoft respects the intellectual property rights of others. We will endeavour to remove any infringing material from our website promptly. If Firesoft becomes aware that one of its users has repeatedly infringed copyright or these Terms, it is our policy to take reasonable steps to terminate the user's account. All users should be aware of and comply with applicable copyright laws.If you suspect that any copyright you own or control in the Services is being infringed, you may report such infringement to our support team (by email: info@minimapper.app). The notification must include: 1) the name and contact information of the notifying party; 2) a description of the material to be blocked and the location of the material; 3) confirmation by the notifying party that the material subject to the request is unlawfully available on the communications network; 4) a statement that the notifying party has unsuccessfully submitted a request to remove the material to the content provider or that the content provider could not be identified; 5) confirmation by the notifying party that it is the copyright or related rights owner or that it is authorized to act on behalf of the rights owner; 6) the signature of the notifying party.

Third-party services and terms
The Services may contain links to websites operated by third parties or content operated by a third-party service provider that allow you to log in and use certain of their services. In addition to these Terms, the use or licensing of content from third party websites, services and/or services is subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant third party under which such content is made available. For example, the minimapper.app website uses PayPal's payment system, which is subject to PayPal's User Agreement.Firesoft assumes no responsibility for such third-party services and/or content. If you access any third-party website or services through the Services or through such third party's websites or services, you do so at your own risk and understand that these Terms and Firesoft's Privacy Policy do not apply to such websites, content, or services that you access. You expressly release Firesoft, its affiliates, agents, officers, directors, employees, suppliers, and licensors from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party site, service, or content. A link to a non-Firesoft service or website, including a Service Provider's service or website, does not imply endorsement by Firesoft of the site or the information, products or services referenced in such service or website.These Terms may apply in addition to the terms and conditions applicable to any distribution platform (such as an app store, e.g. Apple App Store or Google Play) through which you purchase Services and which you have accepted in connection with your use of the relevant third party service. In the event of any conflict between the terms applicable to the distribution platform and these Terms, these Terms will prevail unless prohibited by the terms of the applicable distribution platform.

Some features are available to users free of charge and some features are available for a fee. The terms of payment are set out in the specific terms and conditions of the Service. Firesoft reserves the right to change the fees at any time and in its sole discretion. Firesoft shall have the right to appoint payment service providers to accept payments on Firesoft's behalf.

Maintenance and changes
Firesoft has no obligation under these Terms to provide support or maintenance for the Services. Firesoft may, at its sole discretion, provide limited customer support for the Services. You understand that the Services will evolve over time. As long as your access to the Services is valid, you have the right to use any updates or enhancements to the Services. Any improvements or upgrades will be provided to you on a "grandfathered" basis. You agree that by using an enhancement or update, you voluntarily waive your right to use any prior version. Improvements and Updates may be licensed to you on additional or different terms. You may need to update third party software and/or upgrade your equipment from time to time in order to use the Services.

Limitations of Liability
Firesoft (including its service providers) shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including delay, loss of use of the Service, loss of revenue, goodwill, use, data or other economic loss, arising out of (i) the use of or inability to use the service or product; (ii) the expense of obtaining a substitute product or service; (iii) information or data obtained through the Service; (iv) unauthorized access to or alteration of data transmissions; or (v) other circumstances relating to the Service, if the damage results from an error in the Service or an error by you.
For consumer customers, Firesoft is responsible for the accuracy, quality, and functionality of the Services it provides, whether free or for a fee, and the products and related information sold through the Services, in accordance with applicable consumer protection laws, subject to the limitations in the Terms.

You shall indemnify Firesoft for any damages caused by your use of these Terms, any specific Terms of Service, the Firesoft Services Privacy Policy, any individual services agreement, or any use of the Services in violation of law. You shall be liable for any errors or delays caused by incomplete or outdated information provided by you.
If the individual services included in the Services require the use of user-specific IDs and passwords, you are responsible for storing these IDs and passwords and for ensuring that they are not disclosed to third parties. Passwords and IDs are used to identify the correct user and therefore the user is responsible for all transactions and other activities that occur under the correct password and ID in the individual Service. If the user notices or suspects that his/her IDs and passwords are being used by unauthorized third parties, he/she must immediately inform Firesoft. In addition, the user must maintain the security of the devices he uses and regularly change his/her passwords to ensure confidentiality.

Account deletion
If you choose to delete your account, you acknowledge and agree that you will permanently and irreversibly lose access to all features associated with your account without any compensation, including any purchased Credits. Firesoft will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from your decision to delete your account, including but not limited to the loss of any Credits or other benefits associated with your account. By deleting your account, you release us from any and all liability related to the deletion of your account and any consequences that may result from such deletion.

Force majeure
Force majeure shall relieve Firesoft of its obligations in relation to the Services and individual Services if it prevents or unreasonably interferes with the performance of the Service or any part thereof. Force majeure shall be deemed to include fire, earthquake, epidemic, pandemic, flood, explosion, strike or other industrial action, governmental order, energy supply disruption, shortage of raw materials or supplies, war, cable, or other communications failure caused by or attributable to an outside party, or any other cause beyond Firesoft's reasonable control and for which Firesoft could not reasonably have foreseen. Firesoft will post a notice of force majeure on the Service website immediately after it occurs if posting is possible.

Provision and termination of services
The right to use the Services granted to you under these Terms shall continue until terminated by you or Firesoft. You may terminate your access at any time by uninstalling or uninstalling the applications through which you use or administer the Services, or by discontinuing your use of the Services. Firesoft may be required by law to retain certain information about you or your use of the Service.
Your right of use will automatically terminate without notice from Firesoft if you breach these Terms in any way. Upon termination of your use of the Services under these Terms for any reason, you must cease all use of the Services and immediately uninstall any applications associated with the Services. Termination of your access for any reason shall not relieve you of any liability or obligation under these Terms that (a) is expressly stated to survive such termination or expiration, or (b) is intended by its nature to survive such termination or expiration.
You acknowledge and agree that revocation is your sole right and remedy for any dispute arising out of your use of the Services. Firesoft may, without notice, modify the Services, discontinue providing the Services or features of the Services to you or users generally, or impose limits on the use of the Services. Firesoft may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Services for any reason without notice or liability, including in the event that we determine that you are in breach of these Terms, unless otherwise specified in the specific Terms of Service.

General information
Firesoft may assign or delegate its rights and obligations under the Terms, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time and without your consent. You may not assign or delegate your rights or obligations under the Terms without Firesoft's prior written consent. These Terms and the other specific terms of the Service contain the terms of the agreement between you and Firesoft and supersede all prior terms and conditions between you and Firesoft with respect thereto.These Terms describe certain legal rights you have as a user. You may have other rights under the mandatory provisions of the laws of your country of residence. These Terms do not modify your rights under the mandatory provisions of the laws of your country of residence. You and Firesoft agree that if any part of the Terms or Firesoft's Privacy Policy is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be ineffective in the jurisdiction of such court only to the extent that it is unlawful or unenforceable, without otherwise affecting the legality and enforceability, jurisdiction, or validity of the remaining provisions of the Terms that continue in effect thereafter.Firesoft reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of the Terms and the Privacy Policy at any time. You agree to such changes by continuing to use the Services. If at any time you do not accept our current Terms, Firesoft's Privacy Policy, or any other Firesoft policy, rule or code of conduct governing your use of the Services, your access to the Services will immediately terminate and you must immediately discontinue using the Services. You can always stop using the Services by uninstalling the application or web service, as applicable. Please check the Services regularly to keep up to date with the current Terms.In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the specific terms of the Service, the specific terms of the Service will prevail over these Terms.

Applicable law
All disputes relating to the Services and the Terms shall be settled by the District Court of Helsinki. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Finland, excluding its conflict of law rules.

Contact information
Firesoft Oy
Business ID (Y-tunnus): 3290636-8
Address: Otakaari 18 A 110, 02150 ESPOO, Finland
Email: info@minimapper.app
Website: https://minimapper.app/

Purchasing Terms

By purchasing a digital product (”Product”) for Firesoft's Service through our website (e.g. minimapper.app), you (”You” or ”Customer”) agree to these Service Specific Terms for the purchasing of products ("Purchasing Terms"), as described in our Terms of Service.

Third-party payment methods
Firesoft can offer several different third party payment methods. You must comply with any applicable terms of use or other legal agreement between Firesoft or a third party that governs the use of a particular payment method. Firesoft may add or remove payment methods at its sole discretion. Currently, Firesoft offers PayPal’s payment system, which is subject to PayPal's User Agreement.

The pricing and availability of Products offered on the Service may be changed at any time prior to the purchase transaction.

Cancellation rights
If You are shopping as a consumer, You are automatically granted a statutory right to cancel the contract to purchase a Product from Firesoft. However, when You purchase a Product from Firesoft, You agree that because the digital content becomes immediately available for Your use, Your legal right of withdrawal is void.

All purchases are irrevocable
Unless otherwise expressly stated in Firesoft's Refund Policy, all purchase transactions are irrevocable and no refunds or returns will be issued. If a refund or return is issued for a purchase transaction, the purchase transaction may be cancelled and You will lose access to the Product associated with the purchase transaction.

Refund Policy
In exceptional circumstances, Firesoft may offer refunds to Customers on the Service at its discretion. Refunds are only available if, despite a successful payment transaction, the Customer does not receive the Product and notifies Firesoft within 48 hours of purchase. These notifications can only be made by sending an email to info@minimapper.app.


Ved at købe et digitalt produkt ("Produkt") til Firesofts tjeneste via vores websted (f.eks. minimapper.app) accepterer du ("Du" eller "Kunden") disse Tjenestespecifikke vilkår for køb af produkter ("Købsvilkår"), som beskrevet i vores Vilkår for tjeneste.

Firesoft kan tilbyde flere forskellige betalingsmetoder fra tredjeparter. Du skal overholde alle gældende brugsbetingelser eller andre juridiske aftaler mellem Firesoft eller en tredjepart, der regulerer brugen af en bestemt betalingsmetode. Firesoft kan tilføje eller fjerne betalingsmetoder efter eget skøn. I øjeblikket tilbyder Firesoft PayPals betalingssystem, som er underlagt PayPals brugeraftale.

Prissætningen og tilgængeligheden af produkter, der tilbydes på tjenesten, kan til enhver tid ændres inden købstransaktionen.

Hvis du handler som forbruger, har du automatisk en lovbestemt ret til at fortryde aftalen om køb af et produkt fra Firesoft. Når Du køber et Produkt fra Firesoft, accepterer Du imidlertid, at eftersom det digitale indhold straks bliver tilgængeligt til Din brug, er Din lovbestemte fortrydelsesret ugyldig.

Alle køb er uigenkaldelige
Medmindre andet udtrykkeligt er angivet i Firesofts tilbagebetalingspolitik, er alle købstransaktioner uigenkaldelige, og der vil ikke blive udstedt nogen refusioner eller returneringer. Hvis der udstedes en refusion eller returnering for en købstransaktion, kan købstransaktionen annulleres, og du vil miste adgangen til det produkt, der er forbundet med købstransaktionen.

Under ekstraordinære omstændigheder kan Firesoft efter eget skøn tilbyde kunderne tilbagebetaling af Tjenesten. Refusioner er kun mulige, hvis kunden på trods af en vellykket betalingstransaktion ikke modtager produktet og underretter Firesoft herom inden for 48 timer efter købet. Disse meddelelser kan kun foretages ved at sende en e-mail til info@minimapper.app.


Mit dem Kauf eines digitalen Produkts ("Produkt") für den Firesoft-Service über unsere Website (z. B. minimapper.app) erklären Sie ("Sie" oder "Kunde") sich mit diesen service-spezifischen Bedingungen für den Kauf von Produkten ("Kaufbedingungen") einverstanden, wie sie in unseren Servicebedingungen unter https://minimapper.app/#terms beschrieben sind.

Zahlungsmethoden von Drittanbietern
Firesoft kann verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden von Dritten anbieten. Sie müssen alle geltenden Nutzungsbedingungen oder sonstigen rechtlichen Vereinbarungen zwischen Firesoft und einem Dritten einhalten, die die Verwendung einer bestimmten Zahlungsmethode regeln. Firesoft kann nach eigenem Ermessen Zahlungsarten hinzufügen oder entfernen. Derzeit bietet Firesoft das Zahlungssystem von PayPal an, das den PayPal-Nutzungsbedingungen unterliegt.

Die Preise und die Verfügbarkeit der im Service angebotenen Produkte können vor dem Kauf jederzeit geändert werden.

Wenn Sie als Verbraucher einkaufen, haben Sie automatisch das gesetzliche Recht, den Vertrag über den Kauf eines Produkts von Firesoft zu widerrufen. Wenn Sie jedoch ein Produkt von Firesoft kaufen, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Ihr gesetzliches Widerrufsrecht entfällt, da der digitale Inhalt sofort für Ihre Nutzung verfügbar wird.

Alle Käufe sind unwiderruflich
Sofern in den Rückerstattungsrichtlinien von Firesoft nicht ausdrücklich anders angegeben, sind alle Kauftransaktionen unwiderruflich, und es werden keine Rückerstattungen oder Rückgaben ausgestellt. Wenn eine Rückerstattung oder Rückgabe für eine Kauftransaktion ausgestellt wird, kann die Kauftransaktion storniert werden und Sie verlieren den Zugriff auf das mit der Kauftransaktion verbundene Produkt.

In Ausnahmefällen kann Firesoft nach eigenem Ermessen Rückerstattungen an Kunden für den Service anbieten. Rückerstattungen sind nur möglich, wenn der Kunde trotz erfolgreicher Zahlungstransaktion das Produkt nicht erhält und Firesoft innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach dem Kauf benachrichtigt. Diese Benachrichtigung kann nur per E-Mail an info@minimapper.app erfolgen.

Condiciones de compra

Al comprar un producto digital ("Producto") para el Servicio de Firesoft a través de nuestro sitio web (por ejemplo, minimapper.app), usted ("Usted" o "Cliente") acepta estas Condiciones específicas del servicio para la compra de productos ("Condiciones de compra"), tal y como se describen en nuestras Condiciones de servicio.

Métodos de pago de terceros
Firesoft puede ofrecer diferentes métodos de pago de terceros. Usted debe cumplir con las condiciones de uso aplicables o cualquier otro acuerdo legal entre Firesoft o un tercero que regule el uso de un método de pago en particular. Firesoft puede añadir o eliminar métodos de pago a su entera discreción. Actualmente, Firesoft ofrece el sistema de pago de PayPal, que está sujeto al Acuerdo de Usuario de PayPal.

El precio y la disponibilidad de los Productos ofrecidos en el Servicio pueden cambiar en cualquier momento antes de la transacción de compra.

Derechos de cancelación
Si Usted está comprando como consumidor, se le concede automáticamente el derecho legal de cancelar el contrato de compra de un Producto de Firesoft. Sin embargo, cuando Usted adquiere un Producto de Firesoft, acepta que, dado que el contenido digital pasa a estar inmediatamente disponible para su uso, su derecho legal de desistimiento queda anulado.

Todas las compras son irrevocables
A menos que se indique expresamente lo contrario en la Política de Reembolso de Firesoft, todas las transacciones de compra son irrevocables y no se efectuarán reembolsos ni devoluciones. Si se emite un reembolso o devolución para una transacción de compra, la transacción de compra puede ser cancelada y Usted perderá el acceso al Producto asociado con la transacción de compra.

Política de reembolso
En circunstancias excepcionales, Firesoft puede ofrecer reembolsos a los Clientes del Servicio a su discreción. Los reembolsos sólo están disponibles si, a pesar de una transacción de pago exitosa, el Cliente no recibe el Producto y lo notifica a Firesoft dentro de las 48 horas siguientes a la compra. Estas notificaciones sólo pueden realizarse enviando un correo electrónico a info@minimapper.app.

Termini di acquisto

Acquistando un prodotto digitale ("Prodotto") per il Servizio Firesoft attraverso il nostro sito web (ad esempio minimapper.app), l'utente ("Utente" o "Cliente") accetta i presenti Termini specifici del Servizio per l'acquisto di prodotti ("Termini di acquisto"), come descritto nei nostri Termini di servizio.

Metodi di pagamento di terze parti
Firesoft può offrire diversi metodi di pagamento di terze parti. L'utente deve rispettare i termini di utilizzo o altri accordi legali applicabili tra Firesoft o una terza parte che regolano l'uso di un particolare metodo di pagamento. Firesoft può aggiungere o rimuovere metodi di pagamento a sua esclusiva discrezione. Attualmente Firesoft offre il sistema di pagamento PayPal, che è soggetto all'Accordo per gli utenti di PayPal.

I prezzi e la disponibilità dei Prodotti offerti sul Servizio possono essere modificati in qualsiasi momento prima della transazione di acquisto.

Diritti di recesso
Se l'Utente acquista in qualità di consumatore, gli viene automaticamente riconosciuto il diritto di annullare il contratto di acquisto di un Prodotto da Firesoft. Tuttavia, quando acquistate un Prodotto da Firesoft, accettate che, poiché il contenuto digitale diventa immediatamente disponibile per il vostro uso, il vostro diritto legale di recesso è nullo.

Tutti gli acquisti sono irrevocabili
Se non diversamente ed espressamente indicato nella Politica di rimborso di Firesoft, tutte le transazioni di acquisto sono irrevocabili e non verranno emessi rimborsi o restituzioni. Se viene emesso un rimborso o un reso per una transazione di acquisto, la transazione di acquisto può essere annullata e l'Utente perderà l'accesso al Prodotto associato alla transazione di acquisto.

Politica di rimborso
In circostanze eccezionali, Firesoft può offrire rimborsi ai Clienti sul Servizio a sua discrezione. I rimborsi sono disponibili solo se, nonostante la transazione di pagamento sia andata a buon fine, il Cliente non riceve il Prodotto e lo comunica a Firesoft entro 48 ore dall'acquisto. Tali notifiche possono essere effettuate solo inviando un'e-mail a info@minimapper.app.


Door een digitaal product ("Product") voor de Service van Firesoft te kopen via onze website (bijv. minimapper.app), gaat u ("U" of "Klant") akkoord met deze Service Specifieke Voorwaarden voor de aankoop van producten ("Aankoopvoorwaarden"), zoals beschreven in onze Servicevoorwaarden.

Betalingsmethoden van derden
Firesoft kan verschillende betalingsmethoden van derden aanbieden. U moet voldoen aan alle toepasselijke gebruiksvoorwaarden of andere wettelijke overeenkomsten tussen Firesoft of een derde die het gebruik van een bepaalde betalingsmethode regelen. Firesoft kan naar eigen goeddunken betaalmethoden toevoegen of verwijderen. Momenteel biedt Firesoft het betalingssysteem van PayPal aan, waarop de gebruikersovereenkomst van PayPal van toepassing is.

De prijzen en beschikbaarheid van Producten die op de Service worden aangeboden kunnen op elk moment voorafgaand aan de aankooptransactie worden gewijzigd.

Als U als consument winkelt, heeft U automatisch een wettelijk recht om de overeenkomst tot aankoop van een Product van Firesoft te annuleren. Wanneer U echter een Product van Firesoft koopt, gaat U ermee akkoord dat, omdat de digitale inhoud onmiddellijk beschikbaar wordt voor Uw gebruik, Uw wettelijk herroepingsrecht vervalt.

Alle aankopen zijn onherroepelijk.
Tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders vermeld in het Restitutiebeleid van Firesoft, zijn alle aankooptransacties onherroepelijk en worden er geen terugbetalingen of retouren uitgegeven. Indien een terugbetaling of retournering wordt uitgegeven voor een aankooptransactie, kan de aankooptransactie worden geannuleerd en verliest u de toegang tot het product dat aan de aankooptransactie is gekoppeld.

In uitzonderlijke omstandigheden kan Firesoft naar eigen goeddunken terugbetalingen aanbieden aan Klanten op de Service. Restituties zijn alleen beschikbaar als de Klant, ondanks een succesvolle betalingstransactie, het Product niet ontvangt en Firesoft binnen 48 uur na aankoop hiervan op de hoogte stelt. Deze meldingen kunnen alleen worden gedaan door een e-mail te sturen naar info@minimapper.app.





お客様が消費者として買い物をする場合、お客様は自動的に Firesoft から製品を購入する契約を取り消す法的権利を付与されます。ただし、お客様がFiresoftから製品を購入した場合、デジタルコンテンツはお客様の使用のために直ちに利用可能となるため、お客様の法的な取消権は無効であることに同意するものとします。


例外的な状況において、Firesoftはその裁量で本サービスのお客様に返金を提供することがあります。返金は、決済が正常に行われたにもかかわらず、お客様が製品を受け取らず、購入後48時間以内にFiresoftに通知した場合にのみ可能です。これらの通知は、info@minimapper.app に電子メールを送信することによってのみ行うことができます。


Ved å kjøpe et digitalt produkt ("produkt") for Firesofts tjeneste via nettstedet vårt (f.eks. minimapper.app), godtar du ("du" eller "kunden") disse tjenestespesifikke vilkårene for kjøp av produkter ("kjøpsvilkår"), som beskrevet i våre vilkår for bruk.

Tredjeparts betalingsmetoder
Firesoft kan tilby flere forskjellige tredjeparts betalingsmetoder. Du må overholde gjeldende vilkår for bruk eller annen juridisk avtale mellom Firesoft eller en tredjepart som regulerer bruken av en bestemt betalingsmetode. Firesoft kan legge til eller fjerne betalingsmetoder etter eget skjønn. For øyeblikket tilbyr Firesoft PayPals betalingssystem, som er underlagt PayPals brukeravtale.

Prisene og tilgjengeligheten av produkter som tilbys på tjenesten kan endres når som helst før kjøpstransaksjonen.

Hvis du handler som forbruker, får du automatisk en lovbestemt rett til å kansellere kontrakten om å kjøpe et produkt fra Firesoft. Når du kjøper et produkt fra Firesoft, godtar du imidlertid at fordi det digitale innholdet blir umiddelbart tilgjengelig for din bruk, er din juridiske angrerett ugyldig.

Alle kjøp er ugjenkallelige.
Med mindre annet er uttrykkelig angitt i Firesofts refusjonspolicy, er alle kjøpstransaksjoner ugjenkallelige, og ingen refusjoner eller returer vil bli utstedt. Hvis en refusjon eller retur utstedes for en kjøpstransaksjon, kan kjøpstransaksjonen bli kansellert, og du vil miste tilgangen til produktet som er knyttet til kjøpstransaksjonen.

**Retningslinjer for refusjon
I unntakstilfeller kan Firesoft tilby refusjon til kunder på tjenesten etter eget skjønn. Refusjon er bare tilgjengelig hvis kunden, til tross for en vellykket betalingstransaksjon, ikke mottar produktet og varsler Firesoft innen 48 timer etter kjøpet. Disse varslene kan bare gjøres ved å sende en e-post til info@minimapper.app.


Ostamalla digitaalisen tuotteen ("Tuote") Firesoftin palveluun verkkosivustomme (esim. minimapper.app) kautta, hyväksyt nämä tuotteiden ostamista koskevat palvelukohtaiset ehdot ("Ostoehdot"), jotka on kuvattu palveluehdoissamme.

Kolmannen osapuolen maksutavat
Firesoft voi tarjota useita erilaisia kolmannen osapuolen maksutapoja. Sinun on noudatettava kaikkia sovellettavia käyttöehtoja tai muita Firesoftin ja kolmannen osapuolen välisiä oikeudellisia sopimuksia, jotka koskevat tietyn maksutavan käyttöä. Firesoft voi lisätä tai poistaa maksutapoja oman harkintansa mukaan. Tällä hetkellä Firesoft tarjoaa PayPalin maksujärjestelmää, johon sovelletaan PayPalin käyttäjäsopimusta.

Palvelussa tarjottujen tuotteiden hinnoittelua ja saatavuutta voidaan muuttaa milloin tahansa ennen ostotapahtumaa.

Jos teet ostoksia kuluttajana, sinulla on automaattisesti lakisääteinen oikeus peruuttaa Firesoftin tuotteen ostosopimus. Kun ostat tuotteen Firesoftilta, hyväksyt kuitenkin, että koska digitaalinen sisältö tulee välittömästi käyttöösi, lakisääteinen peruuttamisoikeutesi raukeaa.

Kaikki ostot ovat peruuttamattomia
Ellei Firesoftin palautuskäytännössä nimenomaisesti toisin mainita, kaikki ostotapahtumat ovat peruuttamattomia, eikä palautuksia tai palautuksia myönnetä. Jos ostotapahtumasta myönnetään hyvitys tai palautus, ostotapahtuma voidaan peruuttaa, ja menetät oikeuden käyttää ostotapahtumaan liittyvää tuotetta.

Poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa Firesoft voi harkintansa mukaan tarjota palautuksia Palvelun asiakkaille. Palautukset ovat mahdollisia vain, jos asiakas ei onnistuneesta maksutapahtumasta huolimatta saa Tuotetta ja ilmoittaa siitä Firesoftille 48 tunnin kuluessa ostosta. Ilmoituksen voi tehdä vain lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen info@minimapper.app.


Genom att köpa en digital produkt ("produkt") för Firesofts tjänst via vår webbplats (t.ex. minimapper.app) godkänner du ("du" eller "kund") dessa tjänstespecifika villkor för köp av produkter ("köpvillkor"), som beskrivs i våra användarvillkor.

Tredje parts betalningsmetoder
Firesoft kan erbjuda flera olika betalningsmetoder för tredje part. Du måste följa tillämpliga användarvillkor eller andra juridiska avtal mellan Firesoft och en tredje part som reglerar användningen av en viss betalningsmetod. Firesoft kan lägga till eller ta bort betalningsmetoder efter eget gottfinnande. För närvarande erbjuder Firesoft PayPals betalningssystem, som omfattas av PayPals användaravtal.

Prissättningen och tillgängligheten för Produkter som erbjuds på Tjänsten kan ändras när som helst före köpetransaktionen.

Rätt till uppsägning
Om du handlar som konsument har du automatiskt en lagstadgad rätt att häva avtalet om att köpa en produkt från Firesoft. När Du köper en Produkt från Firesoft godkänner Du dock att eftersom det digitala innehållet blir omedelbart tillgängligt för Din användning, är Din lagstadgade ångerrätt ogiltig.

Alla köp är oåterkalleliga.
Om inte annat uttryckligen anges i Firesofts återbetalningspolicy är alla köptransaktioner oåterkalleliga och inga återbetalningar eller returer kommer att utfärdas. Om en återbetalning eller retur utfärdas för en köptransaktion kan köptransaktionen annulleras och Du förlorar tillgången till den Produkt som är associerad med köptransaktionen.

Refund policy
Under exceptionella omständigheter kan Firesoft erbjuda återbetalning till Kunder på Tjänsten efter eget gottfinnande. Återbetalning kan endast ske om kunden, trots en lyckad betalningstransaktion, inte får produkten och meddelar Firesoft inom 48 timmar efter köpet. Dessa meddelanden kan endast göras genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande till info@minimapper.app.

Billing terms

Purpose of the AgreementThe purpose of this Billing Agreement is to enable the Buyer to be billed monthly for the Credits offered in the Minimapper.app according to the usage of the Credits.

Terms of the Agreement
1. The Billing Agreement must be signed by a person who has the official signature authority of the company.2. The unit price of the Minimapper.app Credits invoiced under this Agreement is €0.59 (VAT 0%).3. The Minimapper.app Credits will be made available to the Buyer on their Minimapper account.4. The billing period is one month. Firesoft will invoice the Buyer on the first working day of the following month for the Credits used by the Buyer. Invoices are payable within fourteen (14) days.5. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both parties and the right to use the Credits issued under this Agreement shall pass to the Buyer on the date of conclusion of the Agreement.6. The agreement is valid until further notice and may be terminated in writing by both parties. The Agreement shall cease to be in force on the last day of the month of termination.7. Firesoft reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the Billing Agreement.


Aftalens formålFormålet med denne faktureringsaftale er at gøre det muligt for køberen at blive faktureret månedligt for de Kreditter, der tilbydes i Minimapper.app, i overensstemmelse med brugen af Kreditterne.

Aftalens vilkår
1. Faktureringsaftalen skal underskrives af en person, der har virksomhedens officielle underskriftsbeføjelse.2. Enhedsprisen for Minimapper.app-Kreditterne, der faktureres i henhold til denne aftale, er 0,59 € (moms 0%).3. Minimapper.app-Kreditterne vil blive stillet til rådighed for køberen på dennes Minimapper-konto.4. Faktureringsperioden er en måned. Firesoft fakturerer køberen den første arbejdsdag i den følgende måned for de Kreditter, som køberen har brugt. Fakturaer skal betales inden for fjorten (14) dage.5. Denne aftale træder i kraft ved begge parters underskrift, og retten til at bruge de Kreditter, der er udstedt i henhold til denne aftale, overgår til Køber på datoen for aftalens indgåelse.6. Aftalen er gældende indtil videre og kan opsiges skriftligt af begge parter. I tilfælde af opsigelse ophører kontrakten med at være i kraft den sidste dag i måneden.7. Firesoft forbeholder sig ret til ensidigt at opsige faktureringsaftalen.


Zweck der VereinbarungZweck dieser Abrechnungsvereinbarung ist es, dem Käufer die Möglichkeit zu geben, für die in der Minimapper.app angebotenen Credits eine monatliche Abrechnung entsprechend der Nutzung der Credits zu erhalten.

Bestimmungen des Vertrags
1. Die Abrechnungsvereinbarung muss von einer Person unterzeichnet werden, die über die offizielle Unterschriftsberechtigung des Unternehmens verfügt.2. Der Stückpreis für die Minimapper.app Credits, die im Rahmen dieses Vertrags in Rechnung gestellt werden, beträgt 0,59 € (0 % MwSt.).3. Die Minimapper.app Credits werden dem Käufer auf seinem Minimapper-Konto zur Verfügung gestellt.4. Der Abrechnungszeitraum beträgt einen Monat. Firesoft stellt dem Käufer am ersten Werktag des Folgemonats eine Rechnung über die vom Käufer genutzten Credits aus. Die Rechnungen sind innerhalb von vierzehn (14) Tagen zahlbar.5. Dieser Vertrag tritt mit der Unterzeichnung durch beide Parteien in Kraft, und das Recht zur Nutzung der im Rahmen dieses Vertrags ausgestellten Credits geht mit dem Datum des Vertragsabschlusses auf den Käufer über.6. Der Vertrag ist bis auf weiteres gültig und kann von beiden Parteien schriftlich gekündigt werden. Im Falle einer Kündigung tritt der Vertrag am letzten Tag des Monats außer Kraft.7. Firesoft behält sich das Recht vor, die Abrechnungsvereinbarung einseitig zu kündigen.

Condiciones de facturación

Propósito del AcuerdoEl objetivo de este Acuerdo de Facturación es permitir al Comprador ser facturado mensualmente por los Créditos ofrecidos en la aplicación Minimapper.app de acuerdo con el uso de los Créditos.

Términos del Acuerdo
1. El Acuerdo de Facturación debe ser firmado por una persona que tenga la autoridad de firma oficial de la empresa.2. El precio unitario de los Créditos Minimapper.app facturados en virtud del presente Acuerdo es de 0,59 euros (IVA 0%).3. Los Créditos Minimapper.app se pondrán a disposición del Comprador en su cuenta Minimapper.4. El periodo de facturación es de un mes. Firesoft facturará al Comprador el primer día laborable del mes siguiente los Créditos utilizados por el Comprador. Las facturas son pagaderas en un plazo de catorce (14) días.5. El presente Acuerdo entrará en vigor en el momento de su firma por ambas partes y el derecho a utilizar los Créditos emitidos en virtud del mismo pasará al Comprador en la fecha de celebración del Acuerdo.6. El contrato es válido hasta nuevo aviso y puede ser rescindido por escrito por ambas partes. En caso de rescisión, el contrato dejará de estar en vigor el último día del mes.7. Firesoft se reserva el derecho de rescindir unilateralmente el Acuerdo de Facturación.


Sopimuksen tarkoitusTämä laskutussopimuksen tarkoitus on mahdollistaa Ostajalle Minimapper.app-sovelluksessa tarjottavien Krediittien kuukausittainen laskutus toteutuneen käytön mukaan.

1. Laskutussopimuksen tulee allekirjoittaa henkilö, jolla on yrityksen virallinen allekirjoitusoikeus.2. Tämän sopimuksen nojalla laskutettavien Minimapper.app-Krediittien kappalehinta on 0,59 € (ALV-0 %).3. Minimapper.app-Krediitit tulevat Ostajan käyttöön tämän Minimapper-tilille.4. Laskutuskausi on yksi kuukausi. Firesoft laskuttaa Ostajalta tämän käyttämät Krediitit seuraavan kuukauden ensimmäisenä arkipäivänä. Laskujen maksuaika on neljätoista (14) vuorokautta.5. Tämä sopimus astuu voimaan molempien osapuolien allekirjoituksin ja käyttöoikeus tämän sopimuksen nojalla luovutettaviin Krediitteihin siirtyy Ostajalle sopimuksentekopäivän aikana.6. Sopimus on voimassa toistaiseksi ja irtisanottavissa kirjallisesti molempien osapuolien toimesta. Sopimus lakkaa olemasta voimassa irtisanomiskuukauden viimeisenä päivänä.7. Firesoft varaa oikeuden laskutussopimuksen yksipuoliseen purkamiseen.

Condizioni di fatturazione

Scopo del ContrattoLo scopo del presente Accordo di fatturazione è quello di consentire all'Acquirente di essere fatturato mensilmente per i Crediti offerti nell'applicazione Minimapper.app in base all'utilizzo dei Crediti.

Termini dell'Accordo
1. Il Contratto di fatturazione deve essere firmato da una persona che abbia l'autorità di firma ufficiale dell'azienda.2. Il prezzo unitario dei Crediti Minimapper.app fatturati ai sensi del presente Contratto è di 0,59 euro (IVA 0%).3. I Crediti Minimapper.app saranno messi a disposizione dell'Acquirente sul proprio account Minimapper.4. Il periodo di fatturazione è di un mese. Firesoft fatturerà all'Acquirente il primo giorno lavorativo del mese successivo i Crediti utilizzati dall'Acquirente. Le fatture sono pagabili entro quattordici (14) giorni.5. Il presente Contratto entrerà in vigore al momento della firma di entrambe le parti e il diritto di utilizzare i Crediti emessi ai sensi del presente Contratto passerà all'Acquirente alla data di conclusione del Contratto.6. Il contratto è valido fino a nuovo avviso e può essere disdetto per iscritto da entrambe le parti. In caso di risoluzione, il contratto cessa di essere in vigore l'ultimo giorno del mese.7. Firesoft si riserva il diritto di risolvere unilateralmente il Contratto di fatturazione.



1. 課金契約書は、会社の正式な署名権限を有する者が署名するものとします。2. 本契約に基づき請求されるMinimapper.appコインの単価は、0.59ユーロ(付加価値税0%)です。3. Minimapper.appコインは、購入者がMinimapperアカウントで利用できるようになります。4. 課金期間は1ヶ月です。Firesoftは、購入者が使用したコインを翌月の第1営業日に購入者に請求します。請求書は14日以内に支払われるものとします。5. 本契約は、両当事者の署名により発効し、本契約に基づき発行されたコインを使用する権利は、本契約の締結日に購入者に移転するものとします。6. 本契約は、追って通知があるまで有効であり、両当事者の書面により終了することができる。解約の場合、契約はその月の最終日に効力を失うものとします。7. Firesoftは、課金契約を一方的に終了させる権利を有します。


Doel van de OvereenkomstHet doel van deze Billing Agreement is om de Koper in staat te stellen maandelijks te worden gefactureerd voor de Credits aangeboden in de Minimapper.app volgens het gebruik van de Credits.

Voorwaarden van de Overeenkomst
1. De Factureringsovereenkomst moet worden ondertekend door een persoon die de officiële handtekeningbevoegdheid van het bedrijf heeft.2. De eenheidsprijs van de Minimapper.app Credits gefactureerd onder deze Overeenkomst is 0,59 € (BTW 0%).3. De Minimapper.app Credits worden ter beschikking gesteld van de Koper op zijn Minimapper-account.4. De factureringsperiode is één maand. Firesoft zal de Koper op de eerste werkdag van de volgende maand factureren voor de door de Koper gebruikte Credits. Facturen zijn betaalbaar binnen veertien (14) dagen.5. Deze Overeenkomst treedt in werking bij ondertekening door beide partijen en het recht om de onder deze Overeenkomst uitgegeven Credits te gebruiken gaat over op de Koper op de datum van sluiting van de Overeenkomst.6. De overeenkomst geldt tot nader order en kan door beide partijen schriftelijk worden opgezegd. In geval van opzegging houdt de overeenkomst op van kracht te zijn op de laatste dag van de maand.7. Firesoft behoudt zich het recht voor de Billing Agreement eenzijdig te beëindigen.


Formålet med avtalenFormålet med denne faktureringsavtalen er å gjøre det mulig for kjøperen å bli fakturert månedlig for Kredittene som tilbys i Minimapper.app i henhold til bruken av Kredittene.

Vilkår for avtalen
1. Faktureringsavtalen må signeres av en person som har den offisielle signaturmyndigheten til selskapet.2. Enhetsprisen for Minimapper.app-Kreditter som faktureres i henhold til denne avtalen, er 0,59 € (0 % mva.).3. Minimapper.app-Kredittene vil bli gjort tilgjengelig for kjøperen på deres Minimapper-konto.4. Faktureringsperioden er en måned. Firesoft vil fakturere kjøperen den første arbeidsdagen i den påfølgende måneden for Kredittene som brukes av kjøperen. Fakturaer skal betales innen fjorten (14) dager.5. Denne Avtalen trer i kraft ved underskrift av begge parter, og retten til å bruke Kreditter utstedt i henhold til denne Avtalen skal overføres til Kjøperen på datoen for inngåelse av Avtalen.6. Avtalen gjelder inntil videre og kan sies opp skriftlig av begge parter. Ved oppsigelse opphører avtalen å gjelde den siste dagen i måneden.7. Firesoft forbeholder seg retten til ensidig å si opp faktureringsavtalen.


Avtalets syfteSyftet med detta faktureringsavtal är att göra det möjligt för köparen att faktureras månadsvis för de krediter som erbjuds i Minimapper.appen i enlighet med användningen av krediterna.

Avtalets villkor
1. Faktureringsavtalet måste undertecknas av en person som har företagets officiella signaturbehörighet.2. Enhetspriset för Minimapper.app Credits som faktureras enligt detta avtal är 0,59 € (moms 0 %).3. Minimapper.app Credits kommer att göras tillgängliga för köparen på dennes Minimapper-konto.4. Faktureringsperioden är en månad. Firesoft kommer att fakturera Köparen den första arbetsdagen i följande månad för de Credits som Köparen har använt. Fakturor ska betalas inom fjorton (14) dagar.5. Detta avtal träder i kraft när det undertecknats av båda parter och rätten att använda de Credits som utfärdats enligt detta avtal övergår till Köparen på dagen för avtalets ingående.6. Avtalet gäller tills vidare och kan sägas upp skriftligen av båda parter. I händelse av uppsägning upphör avtalet att gälla den sista dagen i månaden.7. Firesoft förbehåller sig rätten att ensidigt säga upp Faktureringsavtalet.

Image Editing Service Agreement

1. The Service covers the editing of images of the Customer's property with the Minimapper app once. The normal price Service covers 40 property images, to which are added floor plans and/or maps provided by the Customer, as well as position markers.2. The Customer can choose the editing options for the Minimapper app at the time of ordering.3. Unless the Customer makes specific requests at the time of ordering or if otherwise has not been previously agreed, the images will be saved at the original resolution, with equivalent image quality, with minimap opacity of 80 %, and otherwise with the default settings of the Minimapper app.4. The images of a real estate chain are always saved according to the editing settings agreed with the chain manager.5. If Firesoft edits an image incorrectly by placing a location marker in the wrong space and the Customer points out the error within 48 hours of delivery, Firesoft will correct the image free of charge.6. The Service will be delivered during the next working day following the order if the order is received before 16.00 EET. Otherwise, the Service will be delivered within two working days. The Customer undertakes to pay for the service ordered, even if delivery is delayed.7. The price of the Service is 39,80 € (VAT 0 %) / 49,95 € (VAT 25,5 %) per property. For orders exceeding 40 property images, a charge of 10,00 € (VAT 0 %) / 12,55 € (VAT 25,5 %) will be applied for each additional 10 images. The price of the Service can also be agreed separately, in which case the above prices do not apply.8. As an additional service you can get a redrawing of the old floor plan for 15,00 € (VAT 0%) / 18,83 € (VAT 25,5%). The dwelling must be a single-storey property with a maximum of five rooms.9. The Service is payable by the due date of the invoice within 2 weeks of delivery.10. This Service Agreement enters into force when the Order is placed by the Customer.11. The Order is an email containing the images to be processed with Minimapper and any requests for Minimapper settings to be used.

Avtale om tjenester for bilderedigering

1. Tjenesten omfatter redigering av bilder av Kundens eiendom med Minimapper-appen én gang. Tjenesten til normalpris omfatter 40 bilder av eiendommen, som suppleres med plantegninger og/eller kart levert av Kunden, samt posisjonsmarkører.2. Kunden kan velge redigeringsalternativer for Minimapper-appen på bestillingstidspunktet.3. Med mindre Kunden kommer med spesifikke ønsker på bestillingstidspunktet eller annet ikke er avtalt på forhånd, lagres bildene i originaloppløsning, med tilsvarende bildekvalitet, med en minimap-opasitet på 80 % og ellers med standardinnstillingene i Minimapper-appen.4. Hvis Firesoft redigerer et bilde feilaktig ved å plassere en stedsmarkør på feil sted, og kunden påpeker feilen innen 48 timer etter levering, retter Firesoft bildet kostnadsfritt.5. Tjenesten leveres i løpet av neste virkedag etter bestillingen dersom bestillingen er mottatt før kl. 16.00 EET. Ellers leveres Tjenesten innen to virkedager. Kunden forplikter seg til å betale for den bestilte tjenesten selv om leveringen blir forsinket.6. Prisen for tjenesten er 490 kr (MVA 0 %) / 612,5 kr (MVA 25 %) per eiendom. For bestillinger som overstiger 40 bilder av en eiendom, vil det påløpe et gebyr på 99 kr (MVA 0 %) / 123,75 kr (MVA 25 %) for hver 10. ekstra bilde. Prisen for tjenesten kan også avtales separat, og i så fall gjelder ikke prisene ovenfor.7. Som en tilleggstjeneste kan du få tegnet om den gamle plantegningen for 190 kr (mva. 0 %) / 237,5 kr (mva. 25 %). Boligen må være en enetasjes bolig med maksimalt fem rom.8. Tjenesten skal betales innen forfallsdato på fakturaen innen 2 uker etter levering.9. Denne tjenesteavtalen trer i kraft når bestillingen er lagt inn av kunden.10. Bestillingen er en e-post som inneholder bildene som skal behandles med Minimapper og eventuelle ønsker om hvilke innstillinger Minimapper skal bruke.

Palvelusopimus - Kuvanmuokkauspalvelu

1. Palvelu kattaa Asiakkaan kohteen kuvien muokkaamisen Minimapper-sovelluksella yhden kerran. Normaalihintainen Palvelu kattaa 40 kohdekuvaa, joihin lisätään Asiakkaan toimittamat pohjakuvat ja/tai kartat sekä sijaintimerkit.2. Asiakas voi valita Minimapper-sovelluksen muokkausasetukset tilauksen yhteydessä.3. Jos Asiakas ei esitä erityisiä toiveita tilauksen yhteydessä tai muuta ei ole aiemmin sovittu, kuvat tallennetaan alkuperäisellä resoluutiolla, vastaavalla kuvanlaadulla, minikartan läpinäkyvyydellä 80 % ja muuten Minimapper-sovelluksen oletusasetuksilla.4. Kiinteistönvälitysketjun kuvat tallennetaan aina ketjujohdon kanssa sovittujen muokkausasetusten mukaan.5. Jos Firesoft muokkaa kuvan virheellisesti laittamalla sijaintimerkin väärään tilaan ja Asiakas huomauttaa virheestä 48 tunnin kuluessa toimituksesta, Firesoft korjaa kuvan veloituksetta.6. Palvelu toimitetaan tilausta seuraavan arkipäivän aikana, jos tilaus on vastaanotettu ennen klo 16.00. Muussa tapauksessa palvelu toimitetaan kahden arkipäivän kuluessa. Asiakas sitoutuu maksamaan tilaamansa palvelun, vaikka sen toimitus myöhästyisi.7. Palvelun hinta on 39,80 € (alv 0 %) / 49,95 € (alv 25,5 %) kohteelta. Yli 40 kohdekuvan ylittävistä tilauksista peritään 10,00 € (alv 0 %) / 12,55 € (alv 25,5 %) lisähinta jokaiselta alkavalta kymmeneltä kuvalta. Palvelun hinta voidaan sopiva myös erikseen, jolloin edellä mainitut hinnat eivät päde.8. Lisäpalveluna saa vanhan pohjakuvan uudelleenpiirron 15,00 € (alv 0 %) / 18,83 € (alv 24 %) lisähinnalla. Asunnon täytyy olla yksikerroksinen ja kohteessa saa olla korkeintaan viisi asuinhuonetta.9. Palvelu maksetaan laskun eräpäivään mennessä kahden viikon kuluessa palvelun toimituksesta.10. Palvelusopimus astuu voimaan Asiakkaan tekemän tilauksen yhteydessä.11. Tilaus on sähköpostiviesti, joka sisältää Minimapperilla käsiteltävät kuvat ja mahdolliset toiveet käytettävistä Minimapper-asetuksista.